English Grammar

Simple Present Tense

To help

To pass
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           help
We help

              Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           pass
We pass
S.P.                  You     help
You help

S.P.                  You     pass
You pass
T.P.                 He
                        She      helps                          it

They help

T.P.                 He
                        She      Passes

They pass

To teach

To wish
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           teach
We teach
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           wish
We wish
S.P.                  You     teach
You teach

S.P.                  You     wish
You wish
T.P.                 He
                        She      teaches                        it

They teach

T.P.                 He
                        She      wishes

They wish

To mix

To go
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           mix
We mix
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           go
We go
S.P.                  You     mix
You mix

S.P.                  You     go
You go
T.P.                 He
                        She      mixes

They mix

T.P.                 He
                        She      goes

They go
To reply

To pray
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           reply
We reply
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           pray
We pray
S.P.                  You     reply
You reply

S.P.                  You     pray
You pray
T.P.                 He
                        She      replies

They reply

T.P.                 He
                        She      prays
They pray

1)         I always go to school.
2)         Satyen never speaks the truth.
3)         Sometimes we visit the library.
4)         He often visits the garden.
5)         I take exercise regularly.
6)         My mother goes to the temple daily.
7)         I generally go to my office on my scooter.
8)         The peon usually comes to school early.
9)         We do our homework everyday.
10)       Now-a-days the students prefer Science.
always, never, sometimes, often, regularly, daily, generally, usually, every, now-a-days JU[Z[ XaNM ;FNF JT"DFGSF/G]\ ;}RG SZ[ K[P
·          ;GFTG ;tI4 SC[JT JU[Z[ JFSI ZRGFDF\ o
1)         The earth moves round the sun.
2)         The moon brightens at night.
3)         Slow and steady wins the race.
4)         The sun sets in the West.
5)         Practice makes a man perfect.

·          Negative sentences : ( do / does + not )
1)         I play cricket.
Ans.    I do not play cricket.
2)         We like to have tea.
Ans.    We do not like to have tea.
3)         He likes to have tea.
Ans.    He does not like to have tea.
4)         Ketki prepares food.
Ans.    Ketki does not prepare food.
·          Inversion questions : s p,8 5|xG f
1)         Mr. Shah goes for a walk.
Ans.    Does Mr. Shah go for a walk?
2)         I sing a song.
Ans.    Do I sing a song?
3)         Rehana works very hard.
Ans.    Does Rehana work very hard?
·          Answer in short :
1)         Do you write a letter?
Ans.    Yes, I do.
            No, I don't.
2)         Does he always get up early?
Ans.    Yes, he does.
            No, he doesn't.
3)         Does Pratham stand first?
Ans.    Yes, he does.
            No, he doesn't.
·          'Wh' - Questions :
·          Who v SM6 v STF" m
1)         Our peon rings the bell.
Ans.    Who rings the bell?
2)         The children play football.
Ans.    Who plays football?
3)         Naman sings a song.
Ans.    Who sings a song?
·          What v X]\ v SD" m
1)         They sell vegetables there.
Ans.    What do they sell there?
2)         I like tea.
Ans.    What do you like?
3)         She cuts an apple.
Ans.    What does she cut?
·          Where v SIF\ v :Y/ m
1)         He sits under a tree.
Ans.    Where does he sit?
2)         They go to the library.
Ans.    Where do they go?
3)         Rohan stays at his uncle's house.
Ans.    Where does Rohan stay?
·          When v SIFZ[ v ;DI m
1)         I watch TV at night.
Ans.    When does you watch TV?
2)         My mother goes to the temple every morning.
Ans.    When does my mother go to the temple?
3)         He teaches English to us on Sunday.
Ans.    When does he teach to us?
·          Whose v SMG]\ v DFl,SL m
1)         She wears her mother's sari.
Ans.    Whose sari does she wear?
2)         He drives his uncle's bike.
Ans.    Whose bike does he drive?
3)         The students use their teacher's diary.
Ans.    Whose diary do the students use?
·          Which v SI]\ v lJX[QF6 m
1)         I like blue shirt.
Ans.    Which shirt do you like?
2)         They buy black pens.
Ans.    Which pen do they buy?
3)         He reads an English grammar book.
Ans.    Which book does he read?
·          Whom v SMG[ v UF{6 SD" m
1)         I invite my friends on my birthday.
Ans.    Whom do you invite on your birthday?
2)         The teacher teaches the students.
Ans.    Whom does the teacher teach?
3)         She takes her child to office.
Ans.    Whom does she take to her office?
·          Why v XF DF8[ v SFZ6 m
1)         Sumeet works hard because of his poverty.
Ans.    Why does Sumeet work hard?
2)         She remains absent due to her illness.
Ans.    Why does she remain absent?
3)         My father works hard to earn more.
Ans.    Why does your father work hard?
·          How many v ;\bIF m
1)         He reads five books in a month.
Ans.    How many books does he read in a month?
2)         I eat two apples everyday.
Ans.    How many apples do you eat everyday?
·          How much v HyYM m
1)         He drinks a litre of milk.
Ans.    How much milk does he drink?
2)         My mother puts some sugar in my milk.
Ans.    How much sugar does your mother put in your milk?
·          How often v S[8,L JFZ m
1)         We go to the library thrice in a month.
Ans.    How often do you go to the library in a month?
2)         My father takes tea twice in a day.
Ans.    How often does your father take tea in a day?
·          How long v ;DIUF/M m
1)         I read my lessons for an hour.
Ans.    How long do you read your lessons?
2)         He plays cricket for 2 hours.
Ans.    How long does he play cricket?
·          How far v V\TZ m
1)         My grandfather walks 2 Kms. every morning.
Ans.    How far does your grandfather walk every morning?
2)         P. T. Usha runs 5 Kms. in an hour.
Ans.    How far does P. T. Usha run in an hour?

Simple Past

To help

To pass
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           helped
We helped
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           passed
We passed
S.P.                  You     helped
You helped

S.P.                  You     passed
You passed
T.P.                 He
                        She      helped                        it

They helped

T.P.                 He
                        She      Passed

They passed

To teach

To wish
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           taught
We taught
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           wished
We wished
S.P.                  You     taught
You taught

S.P.                  You     wished
You wished
T.P.                 He
                        She      taught                         it

They taught

T.P.                 He
                        She      wished

They wished

To mix

To go
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           mixed
We mixed

Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           went
We went
S.P.                  You     mixed
You mixed

S.P.                  You     went
You went
T.P.                 He
                        She      mixed

They mixed

T.P.                 He
                        She      went

They went

To reply

To pray
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           replied
We replied
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           prayed
We prayed
S.P.                  You     replied
You replied

S.P.                  You     prayed
You prayed
T.P.                 He
                        She      replied
They replied

T.P.                 He
                        She      prayed
They prayed

·          E}TSF/DF\ YI[,L lS|IF DF8[ o
1)         I went to school yesterday.
2)         Satyen spoke the truth.
3)         We visited the library the day before yesterday.
4)         He visited the garden last week.
5)         I took exercise.
6)         My mother went to the temple.
7)         I went to my office on my scooter.
8)         The peon came to school early.
9)         We did our homework.
10)       The students gave books.
IMP:    yesterday, last, ago, before, once JU[Z[ XaNM Simple past tense G]\ ;}RG SZ[ K[P
·          Negative sentences : (did + not)
1)         I played cricket.
Ans.    I did not play cricket.
2)         We liked to have tea.
Ans.    We did not like to have tea.
3)         He liked to have tea.
Ans.    He did not like to have tea.
4)         Ketki prepared food.
Ans.    Ketki did not prepare food.
·          Inversion questions : s p,8 5|xG f
1)         Mr. Shah went for a walk.
Ans.    Did Mr. Shah go for a walk?
2)         I sang a song.
Ans.    Did you sing a song?
3)         Rehana worked very hard.
Ans.    Did Rehana work very hard?
·          Answer in short :
1)         Did you write a letter?
Ans.    Yes, I did.
            No, I didn't.
2)         Did he get up early?
Ans.    Yes, he did.
            No, he didn't.
3)         Did Pratham stand first?
Ans.    Yes, he did.
            No, he didn't.
·          'Who' - Questions :
·          Who v SM6 v STF" m
1)         Our peon rang the bell.
Ans.    Who rang the bell?
2)         The children played Football.
Ans.    Who played Football?
3)         Naman sang a song.
Ans.    Who sang a song?
·          What v X]\ v SD" m
1)         They sold vegetables there.
Ans.    What did they sell there?
2)         I liked tea.
Ans.    What did you like?
3)         She cut an apple.
Ans.    What did she cut?
·          Where v SIF\ v :Y/ m
1)         He sat under a tree.
Ans.    Where did he sit?
2)         They went to the library.
Ans.    Where did they go?
3)         Sohan stayed at his uncle's house.
Ans.    Where did Sohan stay?
·          When v SIFZ[ v ;DI m
1)         I watched TV last night.
Ans.    When did you watch TV?
2)         My mother went to the temple yesterday.
Ans.    When did your mother go to the temple?
3)         He taught English to us on Sunday.
Ans.    When did he teach English to us?
·          Whose v SMG]\ v DFl,SL m
1)         She wore her mother's sari.
Ans.    Whose sari did she wear?
2)         He drove his uncle's bike.
Ans.    Whose bike did he drive?
3)         The students used their teacher's diary.
Ans.    Whose diary did the students use?
·          Which v SI]\ v lJX[QF6 m
1)         I liked blue shirt.
Ans.    Which shirt did you like?
2)         They bought black pens.
Ans.    Which pen did they buy?
3)         He read an English grammar book.
Ans.    Which grammar book did he read?
·          Whom v SMG[ v UF{6 SD" m
1)         I invited my friends on party.
Ans.    Whom did you invite on party?
2)         The teacher taught the students.
Ans.    Whom did the teacher teach?
3)         She took her child to office.
Ans.    Whom did she take to her office?
·          Why v XF DF8[ v SFZ6 m
1)         Sumeet worked hard because of his poverty.
Ans.    Why did Sumeet work hard?
2)         She remained absent due to her illness.
Ans.    Why did she remain absent?
3)         My father worked hard to earn more.
Ans.    Why did my father work hard?
·          How many v ;\bIF m
1)         He read five books.
Ans.    How many books did he read?
2)         I ate two apples.
Ans.    How many apples did you eat?
·          How much v HyYM m
1)         He drank a litre of milk.
Ans.    How much milk did he drink?
2)         My mother put some sugar.
Ans.    How much sugar did your mother put?
·          How often v S[8,L JFZ m
1)         We went to the library thrice in a month.
Ans.    How often did you go to the library in a month?
2)         My father took tea twice in a day.
Ans.    How often did your father take tea in a day?
·          How long v ;DIUF/M m
1)         I read my lessons for an hour.
Ans.    How long did I read your lessons?
2)         He played cricket for 2 hours.
Ans.    How often did he play cricket?
·          How far v V\TZ m
1)         My grandfather walked 2 Kms.
Ans.    How far did your grandfather walk?
2)         P. T. Usha ran 5 Kms..
Ans.    How far did P. T. Usha run?

Simple Future Tense

To visit
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           shall visit
We shall visit
S.P.                  You     will visit
You will visit
T.P.                 He
                        She      will visit

They will visit

1)         I shall do my homework tomorrow.
2)         We shall come to your house next Monday.
3)         You will visit the museum.
4)         He will sing a song.
5)         She will prepare food.
6)         The monkey will jump.
7)         Our grandfather will tell us a story tonight.
8)         I am going to do my homework.
9)         You are going to a museum.
10)       He is going to sing a song.
IMP : Tomorrow, next, tonight JU[Z[ XaNM Simple Future Tense G]\ ;}RG SZ[ K[P
·          Negative sentences :
1)         I shall give you my book.
Ans.    I shall not give you my book.
2)         They will play cricket.
Ans.    They won't play cricket.
3)         Rupesh will teach English.
Ans.    Rupesh won't teach English.
·          Inversion question : sp,8 5|xGf
1)         You will visit the Taranga temple.
Ans.    Will you visit the Taranga temple?
2)         He will tell the truth.
Ans.    Will he tell the truth?
3)         She will help them.
Ans.    Will she help them?
·          Answer in short :
1)         Shall I do this sum?
Ans.    Yes, you will.
            No, you won't.
2)         Will you go to your village?
Ans.    Yes, I shall.
            No, I shall not.
·          'Wh' - Questions :
1)         Raj will go to the station.
Ans.    Who will go to the station?
2)         He will eat an apple this morning.
Ans.    What will he eat this morning?
3)         They will play cricket in the everyday.
Ans.    When will they play cricket.
4)         Rupa will go to the library.
Ans.    Where will Rupa go?
5)         The teacher will teach the Ketul.
Ans.    Whom will the teacher teach?
6)         I shall buy a blue pen.
Ans.    Which pen will you buy?
7)         I shall drive my uncle's bike.
Ans.    Whose bike will you drive?
8)         I will hire a taxi to reach office early.
Ans.    Why I will hire a taxi?
9)         Sneha will solve this problem with the help of Ketul.
Ans.    How will Sneha solve this problem?
10)       10 students will take part in the competition.
Ans.    How many students will take part in the competition?

Continuous Tense

To sing
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           am singing
We are singing
S.P.                  You     are singing
You are singing
T.P.                 He
                        She      is singing

They singing

 Þ       Ing ,UFJTL JBT[ S. SF/HL ZFBXM m
1)         ;FDFgI ZLT[ lS|IF5NG[ Ing ,FU[ K[P
            NFPTP    Work - Working       teach - teaching         fly - flying
            NFPTP    Write - Writing         take - taking              close - closing
3)         lS|IF5NGM K[<,M V1FZ :JZ CMI4 prRFZ YTM CMI TM OST Ing ,FU[ K[P
            NFPTP    See - Seeing               be - being                   do - doing
4)         lS|IF5NGM K[<,M V1FZ jI\HG CMI VG[ T[GL 5C[,F V[S H :JZ CMI TM Ing ,UF0LV[ tIFZ[ K[<,M V1FZ       A[J0FI K[P
            NFPTP    run - running            plan - planning         begin - beginning     sit - sitting
                        put - putting
5)         lS|IF5NGM K[<,M V1FZ jI\HG CMI4 T[GL VFU/GM :JZ EFZ5}J"S prRFZGM G CMI TM T[ jI\HG A[J0FTM        GYLP
            NFPTP    look - looking           throw - throwing      open - opening         play - playing
6)         lS|IF5NG[ V\T[ 'i' TM ing ,UF0TL JBT[ 'i' GM 'y' SZL 'ing' 5|tII ,UF0JMP
            NFPTP    lie - lying                   die - dying

Past Continuous Tense
To go
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           was going
We were going
S.P.                  You     were going
You were going
T.P.                 He
                        She      was going

They were going

1)         I was doing my homework, when my friend came to my house.
2)         While she was cooking, all the lights went out.
3)         When the teacher came, we were talking.
4)         I saw an accident while (as) I was crossing the road.
5)         I was present in the stadium while Raina was batting.
6)         The rain started while the players were playing.
7)         I was writing a letter when you came.
8)         While I was getting into the bus, my pocket was picked.
9)         When the doorbell rang, we were watching a T.V. serial.
10)       I found my lost pen while I was going to the staff room.
Þ       E}TSF/DF\ V[S lS|IF S[ 38GF AGL V[ H ;DI[ ALHL SM. lS|IF RF,] CTL T[D ;}RJJF RF,] E}TSF/ J5ZFI     K[P
1)         I was reading a novel at that time.
2)         She was reading a story book at 9.35 pm.
3)         Rupesh was having his breakfast at 8 in the morning.
            NFPTP    at that time, at 9.35 pm, .......
1)         While I was passing through the street, 2 boys were quarrelling.
2)         While the teacher was teaching, I was sleeping.
3)         Rome was burning while Nero was fiddling.
D]bI JFSI ;FNF E}TSF/ TM while (as) JF/]\ p5JFSI RF,] E}TSF/DF\ VFJ[ K[P 5Z\T] HM D]bI ;FNF JT"DFGSF/DF\ CMI TM while (as) JF/] p5JFSI RF,] JT"DFGSF/DF\ VFJ[ K[P
1)         Nala left Damayanti while she was sleeping.
2)         While pupils were playing, the bell rang.
3)         Don't disturb me while I am sleeping.
4)         You should be very careful while you are writing.

Future Continuous Tense
To watch
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           shall be watching
We shall be watching
S.P.                  You     will be watching
You will be watching
T.P.                 He
                        She      will be watching

They will be watching

1)         The peon will be cleaning the room.
2)         She will be singing a song.
3)         I will be doing my homework.
4)         They will be playing cricket.
5)         The students will be going to playground.
Þ        ElJQIDF\ SM. ;DI[ SM. lS|IF RF,] CX[ T[D NXF"JJF Future Continuous Tense J5ZFI K[P

Present Perfect Tense

To eat
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           have eaten
We have eaten
S.P.                  You     have eaten
You have eaten
T.P.                 He
                        She      has eaten
They have eaten

1)         I have eaten my lunch.
2)         We have done our homework.
3)         He has eaten an apple.
4)         He has cut this tree.
5)         He has just finished his lessons.
6)         They have already gone for walk.
7)         Sarala has broken this toy.
8)         Ketul has closed this window.
9)         The plane has just landed.
10)       He has lost his bag.

Past Perfect Tense
To leave
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           had left
We had left
S.P.                  You     had left
You had left
T.P.                 He
                        She      had left
They had left

1)         When I reached the station, the train had left.
2)         Before I reached the station, the train had left.
3)         After the train had left, I reached the station.
4)         When we reached the theatre, the show had begun.
5)         The show had begun before we reached the theatre.
6)         We reached the theatre after the show had begun.
7)         She had sung a nice song before I entered the room.
8)         I entered the room after she had sung a nice song.
9)         The doctor came after the patient had died.
10)       The patient had died before the doctor came.
11)       The pupils said that they had visited the zoo the previous day.
12)       Anjali told me that she had come to my house the previous day.
13)       I asked my brother when he had arrived.
14)       If I had worked hard, I would have succeeded in the exam.
15)       I got success because I had worked very hard.
Þ       E}TSF/DF\ SM.56 A[ lS|IFVM AGJL T[DF\ S|DGL 5C[,L lS|IF 5}6" E}TSF/ ,[ K[4 HIFZ[ S|DGL ALHL lS|IF ;FNM E}TSF/ ,[ K[P
Þ       Before S|DGL ALHL lS|IFDF\ VFJ[ K[ HIFZ[ after S|DGL 5|YD lS|IFDF\ J5ZFI K[P
Þ       HM JFSIDF\ R.V. said, told VG[ asked E}TSF/GF ;DI lGN["X ;FY[ VFJTF\ CMI TM T[GL ;FY[ VFJT]\ JFSI 5}6" E}TSF/DF\ VFJ[[ K[P

Future Perfect Tense

To finish
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           shall have finished
We shall have finished
S.P.                  You     will have finished
You will have finished
T.P.                 He
                        She      will have finished
They will have finished

1)         We shall have finished our work by 4:00 pm.
2)         He will have taken his dinner by 8 pm.
3)         The students will have written their lessons before the bell rings.
4)         The peon will have opened the principal's office by now.
5)         He will have sung a bhajan before you reach.
6)         They will have reached Baroda by 7 am.
7)         The farmers will have ploughed before it rains.
8)         My father will have left for the office by now.
9)         The guests will have arrived by now.
10)       The teacher will have given the results by now.
Þ       ElJQIDF\ SM. lS|IF 5}ZL Y. U. CX[ T[D NXF"JJF DF8[ 5}6" ElJQISF/ J5ZFI K[P

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

To live
Person            Singular
F.P.                 I           have been living
We have been living
S.P.                  You     have been living
You have been living
T.P.                 He
                        She      has been living

They have been living

1)         We have been living in this area since 2000.
2)         We have been living in this area for ten years.
3)         The players have been playing for two hours.
4)         The players have been playing since 9 O' clock.
5)         He has been sleeping since ten O' clock.
6)         He has been sleeping for 2 hours.
7)         They have been picking flowers since 8 O' clock.
8)         They have been picking flowers for an hour.
9)         My friend has been staying here for a week.
10)       My friend has been staying here since Wednesday.
Þ       E}TSF/DF\ SM. lS|IF X~ Y. VG[ CHL VtIFZ[ 56 T[ lS|IF RF,] K[ T[D NXF"JJF since / for H[JF ;DINX"S XaNM ;FY[ RF,] 5}6" JT"DFGSF/ J5ZFI K[P